Someone help me with this, what am I missing in this question.

There are 2 people A and B starting at the same point such that the distance travelled by A is twice the distance travelled by B at all times. Now when you see, at all times when you observe it you will find that A is always ahead of B by half the distance traversed by A or as much distance covered by B. Now, if you see in order for A to have gotten ahead of B, at every instant of observation, it must get ahead of B at some point during the journey, but no matter how miniscule the time of observation may you choose, you will never find an instance where you will find the A crossing B, except the very first instance? From what I can understand in order for A to overtake B at every instant it should be able to cross B at every instant of observation and not just at t=0(the initial instant, right? Is this the right assumption and should I be confused about it? Also, is my assumption wrong that for A to get ahead of B it needs to do so at every instant past t=0? Is this assumption necessary or not, I mean should this condition always hold true?

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