I am looking for papers/books/studies related to changes in public policy, including theoretical papers, and on the translation/implementation of global policy onto the national level. Any suggestions?
Susanne: I think it would be helpful to those of us who receive this request if you clarified your research question and also the goals of your research. There are different studies on how international law is adapted in domestic contexts and why as well as on the enforceability of international law, studies on how "legal culture" and formal law interact with each other, as well as institutional studies of bureaucracies and how they implement/distort policy, as well as basic political science studies on the sources of policy and hurdles/barriers to implementation based on multiple factors including problems in legal drafting, ideologies, etc.. Each of these is an entire subfield. Attached are titles of a couple of pieces of mine that you can find at their source or on my Research Gate site that you might find interesting that offer some examples; one on the conflict between the UN's SDGs and actual international law, one on how to create accountability for international development law where none exists, and another on the discipline of economics and how an entire discipline today is in conflict with international law. Each of these three also has solutions.
“Testing the Global Community’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Against Professional Standards and International Law,” Consilience, Spring 2017.
On line at: https://consiliencejournal.org/article/testing-the-global-communitys-sustainable-development-goals-sdgs-against-professional-standards-and-international-law/
“Is Economics in Violation of International Law?: Remaking Economics as a Social Science,” Catalyst: A Social Justice Forum, 2018, Vol. 8, Issue 1, Article 6 , pages 95 – 260 (90,000 words) Available at: http://trace.tennessee.edu/catalyst/vol8/iss1/6
“We Now Have the Tools and Infrastructure to Hold Donors and NGOs in International
Development to their Own Standards,” Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Evaluation,
2018, Volume 14, Issue 31, pages 61-83. On line at:
Thank you for your extensive and very useful response! I am still in the process of developing a research goal and research questions, hence the very vague information request.