01 January 1970 10 873 Report

Currently there are a lot of papers and projects examining the responses of wildlife to drone surveys, but the majority of these seem to focus on behavioural responses of individuals. So far, I have only been able to find three papers examining physiological impacts of drones on wildlife:

Ditmer, Mark A., et al. "Bears show a physiological but limited behavioral response to unmanned aerial vehicles." Current Biology 25.17 (2015): 2278-2283.

Ditmer, Mark A., et al. "Bears habituate to the repeated exposure of a novel stimulus, unmanned aircraft systems." Conservation physiology 7.1 (2019): coy067.

Weimerskirch, Henri, Aurélien Prudor, and Quentin Schull. "Flights of drones over sub-Antarctic seabirds show species-and status-specific behavioural and physiological responses." Polar Biology 41.2 (2018): 259-266.

Does anyone know of any other papers or conference proceedings that explore this subject?


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