01 January 1970 2 3K Report

What we call the brain and talk about is just a storage tank. It acts like an electrical capacitor. In my calculations, the soul is a necessity, otherwise the elements of existence collide. Spirit is the coordinator.

Why did I use the word soul? Reasons 1- It happens only at the moment of collision. It happens in time equal to zero. 2- In that short moment, waves or forces take another form. The soul is the moment of change.

3- It is not organized. It is neither cause nor effect. It is in the zero zone. It is exactly between cause and effect. At the point of change from cause to effect.

4- As soon as the cause is stopped, it is stopped.

If physicists enter this field without fear of losing credibility, there will be no room left for superstitions and profiteers, and religious people will not dare to speak decisively about the soul.

I have no credit, everything I have is the result of your efforts. I just used your knowledge

General result: order of formation of organisms 1- Heart: inner core. 2- Soul: connection between heart and parts. 3- Brain capacitor: outer core and other components: star environment. Note: Inside the heart: there is a soul and an independent capacitor of the brain. I will prove it so far

All creatures are made of the same formula.creatures are made of different particles. Particles are made of atoms. And the formation of the nucleus of atoms is similar.

The best analogy for the brain is lightning.

Lightning is a type of electrical discharge that is caused by the transfer of static electricity between two clouds or between the cloud and the ground. And it is the electrical discharge that produces the intense light and sound.

In the brain: the impact of incoming and outgoing waves can be felt at any moment by creating heat and other currents. And after some time this effect disappears. And many of them are stored in something like a capacitor in the brain.

The set of components of the brain capacitor = the set of components of the outer core of the star.

Cranial brain: the layer is located on the outer nucleus.

Spirit: In the place inside the outer core where the internal waves and the outgoing waves interact, lines like lightning are created, which is called the spirit. These scattered lines appear and disappear at any moment and everywhere.

As a result, the average mass of the soul is zero.

Spirits (lightning lines) leave traces in the outer core environment. And the accumulation of those effects causes the brain capacitor to be built in the outer core.

Brain capacitor: It is the place to store the works of the soul.

Duties of the brain capacitor: 1- Collecting information: the effect of lightning lines is stored. If its capacity is full, older data or works will be compressed. The older it is, the higher the compression.

2- Production of awareness

3- Spiritual management

Important note:

Fantasy or reality Yaarzo!:

In each brain capacitor there is a black box that cannot be destroyed by stars or humans. This black box is held by the waves of the mother and grandmother stars.

After the destruction of the star, the main wave in the black box moves towards the parent star. This primordial wave is like a newborn fetus, but all his consciousness is preserved even after destruction.

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