Machine Learning copy & modeled natural phenomena of the data processing occurs in human brain mathematically. Question is is there only math, and chemo-electric signaling involve in processing activity of human brain?
I would tread cautiously in stating that machine learning copies and models human brain mathematically. A substantial number of ML algorithms are not modeled on the brain. Even backpropagation has not been widely accepted as being biologically feasible model for neural network level behavior. Further, while NN's model network behavior they do not model all the neurons specific behaviors.
To answer the rest of the question, to my knowledge (if somebody has references to the contrary, please post them) there is no definitive consensus on the encoding of the actual information encoding of neuronal signals. So, it still remains an open question as to whether our modeling even captures all the information channel capacity of the neuron. There are also questions on whether the NN modeling that we are doing can correctly represents aggregate sections of the brain.
The best approaches that are somehow nearing the functioning of the human brain, which is despite great efforts still mostly unknown, are based on complex networks and topological descriptions.
It is known that the brain is dynamically reconfiguring during the solution of each task. There are appearing and vanishing dynamically unstable processing neuronal configurations that are as hoc created just for a moment and then they disappear.
So far, we have no computational tools and methods capable to accomplish such a task. We are just using a very crude approximation of the brain, which is called neuronal networks. Other AI, ML, and DL techniques are just pure mathematical and computational concepts that have very little if anything in common with the real brains.
That something can be described by mathematics does not imply that mathematics is part of the process. The description of a physical event is usually described by a model(mathematical or other). That means that in order to be explained, the complexity of the phenomena is usually diluted to a simpler phenomena that can be described by the model. This usually is a very simplistic description of the phenomena and prone to errors. Also, while most of the current scientific fields treat their subject as a stationary distribution, it can be debated on whether this assumption is true. That means that changes to the model will be in order as the phenomena (taken as a system) evolves.
My point is that you should treat the actual described process as a separate entity from the method that describes the process. Take for example:
"... is is there only math, and chemo-electric signaling involve in processing activity of human brain?"
The way the question is framed gives the impression that neurons have an innate mathematical tracking capability that follow the mathematical model. I would not assume such a position at this point but an alternate position that it is a model(crude and simplified) to describe the behavior of the system.
Arturo Geigel Sir, data processing by human brain can only be model through mathematical modeling for creating relationships/ understanding data patterns in data? And Second question is applying mathematical models can fully and the only way to understand data patterns while processing data by the human brain?
While our current scientific endeavor focuses on mathematical modeling it is not a precondition for neuronal functioning (i.e. your mathematical understanding does not in any way essential for a neuron to function). Also, both qualitative and quantitative descriptions have been essential for expanding our knowledge of neuroanatomy and its physiology. In addition, structure also plays a part besides electrochemical activity.