I used an one element 3D cube to make some tests with Abaqus user defined materials. I made an observation with the Abaqus fully integrated C3D8 element with an simple elastic material model. I do really understand this observation.
The model is shown in the Figure cube.jpg. The nodes in the x-z base and node 3 have a minimal
constraint to avoid rigig body motions. Some combined tension and shear is applied with the upper nodes 1, 3 with a prescribed displacement in x-direction, same for both nodes. Poisson's ratio is chosen with 0 to avoid lateral effects in z-direction.
The observation is, regardless of this Abaqus computes lateral displacements for nodes, i.e. nodes 7, 8, 1, 2, see Fig. U.jpg . There are also strains and stresses in z-directions as eigenstress without corresponding nodal forces.
That contradicts my mechanical intuition telling me there should be no lateral effects with Poisson = 0. This intuition is also confirmed with another programm taking identical model
So what might be wrong? My mechanical intuition, or did I oversee something with the model.
Or is there some pitfall with the C3D8 element - seems to be od for me.
Appended is the inp-file.