Hi every one,
I am having a tough time with my DNA extraction.
I am extracting DNA from stained cytological slides using QIAmp Mini Kit. I am performing RNAse treatment.
Well, what is happening is that I am having odd results from my Nanodrop measurment!
Apart from low concentration in some of the samples, sometimes I have got very high 260/280 ratio values (even 7!) or very low values for 260/230 ratio.
Here it is an example:
Concentration (ng/ul )71.48
A260 1.430
A280 0.251
260/280 5.70
260/230 0.14
I am using different protocols, and I am beeing very careful during all the procedure but my results are not changing. I've read a lot about low ratio values and contamination, but i really don't know how to interpret tha high values (especially that high). My doubt is that my Nanodrop is having some issues.
Am I right? Or there is someting that I am missing?
Thanks for any help.