In order to check the ability of your electrolyte material for SOFC applications, please do the following:
Make a sintered pellet of your material.
After polishing (to make flat surface), brush both sides of pellet with Pt Paste.
Bake the brushed pellet at 900 C for 1 h in furnace.
Now, measure the ionic conductivity using ac impedance spectroscopy method.
If the value of ionic conductivity is above 10 mS/cm at intermediate temperature range ( 500 -700), then it can be electrolyte material for SOFC applications.
However, TEC, chemical stability, and chemical compatibility are also required to be studied.
Thank you for your valuable suggestions. Its very useful to me. I got the conductivity values of my sample around 0.000745 Scm-1 around 600 oC. But i was submitted it to a journal they asked me to do OCV and power measurements. How can i do it. I didnt have any instruments or fuel cells testing stations to perform these analysis. Kindly suggest me what i will do? Your answers are more important for my research work.
You should prepare a cathode and anode material onto the electrolyte to do the electrochemical measurement. However, to make the electrolyte really useful, you should also measure the coefficient of thermal expansion, the stability in the reducing &humidified&CO2 containing atmosphere, chemical compatibilities with the electrode materials and the electronic conductivity. In addition, the mechanical strength and cost should also be taken into consideration.
In order to check the ability of your electrolyte material for SOFC applications, please do the following:
Make a sintered pellet of your material.
After polishing (to make flat surface), brush both sides of pellet with Pt Paste.
Bake the brushed pellet at 900 C for 1 h in furnace.
Now, measure the ionic conductivity using ac impedance spectroscopy method.
If the value of ionic conductivity is above 10 mS/cm at intermediate temperature range ( 500 -700), then it can be electrolyte material for SOFC applications.
However, TEC, chemical stability, and chemical compatibility are also required to be studied.