UPDATE: The values of the variables that I am currently concerned with are:



While trying to solve a circuit equation, I stumbled onto a type of Lienard Equation. But, I am unable to solve this analytically.

x'' + a(x-1)x' + x = V-------------------------(1)

where dash(') represent differentiation w.r.t time(t).

The following substitution y =x-V and w(y) = y', it gets converted into first order equation

w*w' + a(y+V-1)w + y = 0; ---------------------- (2)

here dash(') represent differentiation w.r.t y.

if I substitute z = (int)(-a*(y+V-1), (int) represent integration. The equation gets converted into Abel equation of second kind.

w*w' - w = f(z). -------------------- (3) differentiation w.r.t z.

it get complicated and complicated.

I would like to solve the equation (1) with some other method or with the method that I had started. Kindly help in solving this,

Thank you for your time.

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