Hello all,

Can someone recommend me a range of doses of Doxorubicin to induce a nephropathy model in BALB/c mice? I searched the literature and it seems that Doxo dose should be set very sensitive and even the batch of Doxo can affect the result :( I used Doxorubicin Hydrochloride from Santa Cruz Biotechnology. Cumulative 15, 16 and 20 mg/kg (ip) doses kill the animals. However, 9.6 mg/kg (iv) and 10 mg/kg (ip) doses didn't yield a significant difference (in 23 days). I'll make my last trial, I don't want to lose more animals. Should I change the brand of Doxo? Is there a limit (such as 12 mg/kg etc) where the lethality (cardiotoxicity) begins? Should I wait more than 4 weeks to get a cumulative injury on kidneys?

Anny other recommendations?


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