01 January 1970 6 841 Report

Hi everyone,

I am interested to find articles that talk about negative effect that support might have on a parent with developmentally chalenged child (e.g. giving advice when not asked for, criticism, innapropriate comments). I am mostly interested in this construct, but also search for papers that link consequential stress to well-being.

This topic is obviously not as appealing as positive side of social support and I have trouble finding reasearch that explored it among these parents. I would kindly ask for help in form of a reasearch paper, tip, hint, thought or direction in which I could turn my searches to. Of course, more recent papers that deal with this group specifically would be best, but I gratefully accept any recommendation that might help me improve my understanding of the topic (like classical work by KS Rook (1984) The negative side of social interaction: impact on psychological well-being or Shumaker, & Brownell, (1984). Toward a theory of social support: Closing conceptual gaps )

Thank you all very much in advance...


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