Here it is! Answers to all your questions regarding research, writing, and publishing, thanks to our colleague Alfonso Rodriguez of Colombia.
We have hundreds of questions in Q & A of RG asking the same things over and over again. How do I research? What method? How do I organize it? How do I write it? What are journal requirements? How do I write a review? How do I write a letter to the editor?
Virtually everything one needs to know about research, writing, and publishing is found in the four linked articles by Dr. Rodriguez. Some of the material is in Spanish and some in English but it provides a clear guide regardless of language.
Kind Request # 1: Please refer your colleagues to this abundance of information before asking any further questions about journals, research, scientific writing, publisher requirements, etc. on the Q & A of RG.
Kind Request # 2: Please use the RG search bar to see if your question has already been asked. Click the little down arrow next to the little man and select questions from the drop down menu.
Kind Request # 3: If anyone asks a question about journals, publishing, etc., please refer them to this question.
Thank you very much!
Regards, John