Dear Sir/Madam,

We have come across a query while we are doing an experiment on Mettler-Toledo RC1e, we observed some deviations in calibration results in Cpr Changes, So I managed to correct the Cpr value by using Corrected Cpr option results in change in Enthalpy.

A) When Cpr value is 4.71,Corresponding Qr is 105.626 KJ

B) When Cpr value is changed to 2.1689, new Qr is 20.4653 KJ.

(Performed the calibration at 0°C and ΔTr was maintained at 3 K.)

I request you to please resolve my queries regarding these observations:

1.  What is the relation between Cpr and overall heat generation (Qr)?

2.  How any deviations in calibrations tend to changes in Cp & U?

3.  What is meant by heat capacities of inserts (Tr Sensor, Calibration heater) at volume 1 & volume 2; Please let me know the calculation procedure as       it mentioned 0.069 KJ/K at volume 1 & 0.106 KJ/K at volume 2, The units for Cp is KJ/KgK but it is mentioned KJ/K.

4.  Why  there are multiple options available like experiment will gives us U & Cp and another possibility is provide to Correct U & Cp values, therefore when we need to choose U Corrected & Cp Corrected options.

5.  It is necessary to perform Calibration before and after the reagent addition or heating, after completion of experiment we obtain 2 U values at first Calibration and 2 U values after Calibration Correspondingly 2 Cp values one at first calibration and another at second calibration.

6.  I was in need calculation procedure for Qr determination by using obtained U & Cp.

7.  At first Calibration we maintain a finite ΔTr difference so we obtained two different U values at first calibration and another two U values at second calibration, As ΔTr difference corresponds U2

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