Hello, This is my VERY first time attempting a NEB calculation, and I must admit, I'm feeling quite confused. I would sincerely appreciate any feedback or suggestions. Here's the issue:

Following the instructions provided, I have two initial and final optimized geometries, represented by POSCAR1 and POSCAR2. Then, I used the nebmake.pl script to generate directories corresponding to the number of images.

In my case, I used 3 images, resulting in the creation of 4 subdirectories numbered 00, 01, 02, 03, and 04. Each subdirectory contains the respective POSCAR file. Currently, my parent directory looks like this:












I also placed OUTCAR files in the initial and final structures' subdirectories, i.e., directory_00 and directory_04.

Now, ideally, I should proceed with running my NEB calculation, correct? However, after submitting the job on VASP, I kept encountering an error message stating "POSCAR: No such file or directory."

Then, I attempted to run VASP individually for each subdirectory. For instance, let's consider directory_01. For this step, I have all four input files in this directory. However, after running the VASP calculation, I encountered another error: "forrtl: No such file or directory."

Additionally, while I was going through the instructions for installing VTST codes, I noticed specific guidelines for compiling VTST code into VASP. Currently, I'm using VASP version 6.4.2.

The instructions involved downloading the vtstcode-199. They included the following steps: "To build the code, the VASP .objects and makefile need to be changed. Find the variable SOURCE in the .objects file (a hidden file in src/), which defines which objects will be built, and add the following objects before chain.o

I cannot locate the .objects file anywhere!

This doesn't make sense to me at all. Have I misunderstood the process, or is there something else going wrong?

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