Try one of the most referred books in Heat Transfer called 'Heat and Mass Transfer' by Incropera and DeWitt. Your college library should have it, it has a chapter called External Flows which should give you some insight. Also in natural convection or any convection for the matter of fact will demand a solution through a choice of correct Nusselt Number relation. The Nusselt number selection will depend on the type of object in convection and the Reynolds number. And the most important thing is to find out the characteristic length for the geometry. Incropera has several non-circular ducts and related Nusselt number relations.
"Heat Convection", Latif M. Jiji, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006 is one of the best book having a detailed data for numerical, empirical and experimental studies. A separate chapter is dedicated to work on correlations in free and forced convection.