Method to combine hazard ratio with multiple conditions into comparing a single condition
low-grade/homologous vs low-grade/heterologous,
low-grade/homologous vs high-grade/homologous,
low-grade/homologous vs high-grade/heterologous.
However, I would like to obtain hazard ratio and 95% CI for
high-grade vs low-grade.
I figured out that by using network meta-analysis, I could get hazard ratios for
low-grade/heterologous vs high-grade/homologous and
low-grade/heterologous vs high-grade/heterologous.
but I am uncertain what to do to collapse the HRs into
low- vs high-grade HR.
The hazard ratio describes the relative risk of the complication based on ... to an individual, compared to the hypothetical situation where on
As a follow-up to a previous review provides several in-depth concepts regarding a survival analysis. Also, several codes for specific survival analysis are listed to enhance the understanding of such an analysis and to provide an applicable survival analysis method. A proportional hazard assumption is an important concept in survival analysis.
Validation of this assumption is crucial for survival analysis. For this purpose, a graphical analysis method and a goodnessof- fit test are introduced along with detailed codes and examples. In the case of a violated proportional hazard assumption
The most important aspect of the CPH model is a proportional hazard assumption during the observation period. The hazard of an event occurring during an observation cannot always be remained constantly, and the hazard ratio cannot be maintained at a constant level. This is the main obstacle for a clinical data analysis using a CPH model.
The basic concepts required to understand and interpret the results of a survival analysis were covered in a previous article . Part 2 of this article, described herein, focuses on the analytical methods applying clinical data and coping with problems that can occur during an analysis.
Cox regression are required. Simplified concepts of a stratified Cox proportional hazard model and time-dependent Cox regression are also described. The source code for an actual analysis using an available statistical package with a detailed interpretation of the results can enable the realization of survival analysis with personal data.
The basic concepts required to understand and interpret the results of a survival analysis were covered in a previous article of this article, described herein, focuses on the analytical methods applying clinical data and coping with problems
That can occur during an analysis. Such methods for validating a proportional hazard assumption apply clinical data and several extended Cox models to overcome the problem of a violated proportional hazard assumption
A covariate is fixed if its values can not change with time, e.g. sex or race. Lifestyle factors and physiological measurements such as blood pressure are usually time-dependent.
The survival function of a CPH model is an exponential function, and the hazard ratio (λ) is constant during an observation; thus, a survival function is defined in the exponential form of the hazard ratio at a time point
To estimate hazard ratio, which is included in the survival function, hazard function (h) is required and it contains a specific explanatory variable (X) which indicates a specific treatment or exposure to a specific circumstance.
Data on survival endpoints are usually summarised using either hazard ratio, cumulative number of events, or median survival statistics. Network meta-analysis, an extension of traditional pairwise meta-analysis, is typically based on a single statistic.
Actually tutorial illustrating how network meta-analyses of survival endpoints can combine count and hazard ratio statistics in a single analysis on the hazard ratio scale.
Network meta-analyses enable us to combine trials that compare different sets of treatments, and form a network of evidence, within a single analysis [1] and to use all available direct and indirect evidence to inform a given comparison between treatments.
Network meta-analysis is based on the assumption that, on a suitable scale, we can add and subtract within-trial estimates of relative treatment effects i.e. the difference in effect between treatments A & B (d AB ) is equal to the difference in effects between treatments A & C and B & C (d AB = d AC - d BC ) [1–3].
we have to show how network meta-analyses of survival endpoints can be conducted on the hazard ratio scale when some or all trials report cumulative count data. We also describe how trials with more than two arms reporting relative treatment effects (such as hazard ratios) should be included
A survival endpoint is one where, over time, an increasing number of patients experience an event. Although death is the ultimate survival endpoint, many other endpoints may also be considered as survival endpoints.
The methods allow hazard ratio and cumulative count survival statistics to be combined within a single network meta-analysis on the log-hazard scale; this might be termed a multi-statistic evidence synthesis. Treatment effects can then be estimated based on an inclusive set of data, and separate analyses for hazard ratio and count statistics are avoided [6–9].
Network meta-analyses should account for the correlations in relative treatment effect estimates that arise from trials with more than two treatment arms (multi-arm trials) [10]. These correlations are accounted for 'by default' when count statistics for individual trial arms are included in a network meta-analysis
When hazard ratio statistics are used, we show how these correlations can be accounted for by deriving estimates of the mean log hazards (and their variances) for individual trial arms
Thanx for gracious participation respected Dr Foziya Fernandance
Thanx for gracious participation respected Dr Mohish Lawrance
Thanx for gracious participation respected Dr Divypary Mcdonald
Hazards (survival) analysis is widely used in biomedical and health services research, but there is little consistency in how findings are presented, and important information is often omitted or unclear. In addition to information typically reported for other types of multivariate analyses,
Thanks for gracious participation respected Dr Mukesh Kumar
Whereas, hazards analyses require information related to the temporal aspects of the dependent and independent variables, person-time at risk, number of periods at risk, and type of hazards specification. I
Thanks for gracious participation respected Dr rajnish Kumar
First, applications of hazards (or survival) models are increasingly found in biomedical and health services research, where they are used to analyze factors associated with the occurrence and timing of events such as hospital admission or death. Second, most researchers who use survival methods learned about them in courses that emphasized understanding statistical assumptions, estimating models, interpreting statistical tests, and assessing coefficients and model fit
Most textbooks communicate principally using statistical lingo and equations written in mathematical notation, with a few example sentences to show how to interpret coefficients or model fit
However, to convey findings effectively to readers of research journals, these technical details should be provided in a larger context that emphasizes the substantive questions and answers
Third, journal articles are strikingly inconsistent in the information provided about the data, methods, and results related to their application of hazards analysis, often resulting in confusing or incomplete exposition
I explain how to write about hazards analyses in ways that emphasize the research question to which they are applied, using the statistical results as evidence in a clear story line about that question.
Assumes a good working knowledge of how to prepare and analyze data using survival analysis. I do not repeat statistical theory or its derivation, which can be found in any of several excellent textbooks (Allison 1995; Cox and Oakes 1984;
Kalbfleisch and Prentice 1980; Yamaguchi 1991). After introducing concepts and vocabulary that are used throughout the paper I review the types of research questions for which hazards analyses are used. I then explain what information to include in the data and methods and results sections of a journal article. In the interest of space
Focus on semi-parametric hazards models such as Cox hazards models – a widely used form of hazards model in the biomedical and health services research literature. See Allison (1995) or Yamaguchi (1991) for information on other types of hazards models such as discrete-time and parametric hazards models.
To show how to convey information about survival analyses, I include tables, charts, and sentences from articles published in leading biomedical and health services research journals that have done a good job of presentation
These are accompanied by samples of ineffective writing, which I drafted based on many other less successful articles. I then contrast the “poor” examples with better presentations of the same material. The paper concludes with a checklist of essential elements and recommended approaches to writing an effective paper about an application of survival analysis
Thanks for gracious contribution dear Dr Guniyanj Bause Bause
Thanks for gracious contribution dear Dr Schwincher Fernandance
Thanks for gracious contribution dear Dr Schwincher Fernandance
A worked example of an analysis of mortality data in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is used to illustrate the methods. The data set and WinBUGS code for fixed and random effects models are provided.
Data preparation
By incorporating all data presentations in a single analysis, we avoid the potential selection bias associated with conducting an analysis for a single statistic and the potential difficulties of interpretation, misleading results and loss of available treatment comparisons associated with conducting separate analyses for different summary statistics.
Predictors - these are also referred to as covariates, which can be a number of variables that are thought to be related to the event under study. If a predictor is a classifier variable with more than two classes (i.e. ordinal or nominal) then you must first use the dummy variable function to convert it to a series of binary classes.
Lasso regression (least absolute shrinkage and selection operator) performs variable selection that aims to increase prediction accuracy by identifying a simpler model. It is similar to Ridge regression but with variable selection.
Survival and cumulative hazard rates
The survival/survivorship function and the cumulative hazard function (as discussed under Kaplan-Meier) are calculated relative to the baseline (lowest value of covariates) at each time point. Cox regression provides a better estimate of these functions than the Kaplan-Meier method when the assumptions of the Cox model are met and the fit of the model is strong.
Yi is the intervention effect estimated in the ith study, Wi is the weight given to the ith study, and the summation is across all studies. Note that if all the weights are the same then the weighted average is equal to the mean intervention effect. The bigger the weight given to the ith study, the more it will contribute to the weighted average
Nonlinear regression also requires a continuous dependent variable, but it provides a greater flexibility to fit curves than linear regression.
BAS is a package for Bayesian Variable Selection and Model Averaging in linear models and generalized linear models using stochastic or deterministic sampling without replacement from posterior distributions. Prior distributions on coefficients are from Zellner's g-prior or mixtures of g-priors corresponding to the Zellner-Siow Cauchy Priors or the mixture of g-priors for linear models or mixtures of g-priors in generalized linear models
It can be a costly mistake to base decisions on “results” that vary with each sample. Hypothesis tests factor in random error to improve our chances of making correct decisions.
Like OLS, nonlinear regression estimates the parameters by minimizing the SSE. However, nonlinear models use an iterative algorithm rather than the linear approach of solving them directly with matrix equations.