When we want to calculate the meteorological drought indices we need to have meteorological data for at least 30 years. for rain-based drought indices we just need precipitation that I invite you to read the following links for calculation all of them:
If we have other input data beside precipitation such as maximum temperature, we can use other meteorological indices such as KBDI (Keetch Byram Drought Index):
If you have other data other evapotranspiration (ET) and field capacity (FC) or soil moisture you can calculate PDSI (Palmer Drought Severity Index):
If you have any question for calculating details of each index, let me know. I can clarify the details since I calculate all of them.
I have used the Agricultural Reference Index for Drought (ARID)(https://doi.org/10.2134/agronj2011.0286). For agricultural purposes, I prefer to use indices that take into consideration the soil-plant-atmosphere relationship and ARID does it. These is one of the indices listed in the FAO handbook mentioned by Subhash Chavare.