Dear Scholars,
I have 4 independent variables, 1 mediator, and 1 dependent. The sample size is 214
1- After Conducting the normality test by Kolmogorov–Smirnov, and Shapiro–Wilk test, I found the following :
A- 2 independent variables were nonnormal distributed according to Smirnov, and 2 were normally distributed.
However, I found all were normally distributed according to the Shapiro test.
C- The skewness, kurtosis, and histogram were clearly normally distributed.
2- After conducting a multicollinearity test, I found the independent non-significantly correlated
3- I conducted a correlation test and I found that 1 of the nonnormal distribution according to the Smirnov test was non-significantly correlated with the mediator or with the dependent.
Because of that, I will not consider them in further analysis steps.
thus now I have 3 independent were 1nonnormal distributed according to Smirnov( but normally according to Shapiro, skewness, kurtosis, and histogram data)
4- Now, I am going to use Baron and Kenny's steps for mediation analysis with Preacher and Hayes (2004) bootstrap method.
The questions are as follows:
1-if my approach is right or not?
2- If I have to conduct CFA or not? (The questionnaire was adopted after translation, content validation, and reliability test)
3- If there are missing steps in my analysis approach?