Dear All,

could anyone advise me step-by-step how to calculate mechanical properties in Materials Studio? As an example I've chosen L-cystine and wanted to repeat calculation that have been already done in

What I'm doing is:

1. import .cif file

2. rebuild crystal

3. Go to Modules->FORCITE->task:mechanical properties->quality:ultra fine->more->optimize structure first->more->algorithm: Quasi-Newton-> keep everything as default (as described in this paper)

->number of steps for each strain->4

->max strain amplitude->0.003 (those two parameter I keep as default, not mentioned in the paper)

-Energy->COMPASS->forcefield assigned-> quality ultra fine (as in the paper)

->summation method->electrostatic->Ewald->van der Waals->Ewald (as in the paper)

Results that I'm getting are attached in txt file. What I have noticed is I'm getting different 'independent elastic constants' than reported in the paper in table 3.

Any reason for that?

Also for Reuss, Voigt, Hill for Bulk and shear modulus some of the values are negative, not sure if that's correct 

Thank you in advance for any suggestions,


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