Hi everyone, I am working on soil-box tunnel structure interaction under earthquake loading. The solid element is used to model soil and concrete structure both. The concrete structure is added EROSION criteria in principal strain (MAT_000) also. As we know, to measure the strain of solid elements, we can follow the direction of LS-DYNA support: https://www.dynasupport.com/…/strain-measures-of-solid-el…/…
but when I run the analysis, all solid elements of concrete are removed from the model, only solid elements of soil and beam elements which represented for rebars are remained (Plz see the attached snapshot). However, If I have not tried with EROSION criteria (MAT_000) for concrete, the model works well. Is there any way to measure the strain of concrete which used EROSION criteria (MAT_000). Does anyone who knows about this problem, please kindly give me some suggestion? Thank in advance!