12 December 2018 8 863 Report

Dear colleagues,

a MaxEnt model of the present distribution of a South American spider species based on 30 collection points (crossvalidated by running 30 replicates, regularization multiplier 0.5 and 1000 maximum iterations) resulted in an average test AUC ˂ 0.7, which is considered too low for further use (Swets, 1988).

Apart from the question if the AUC is suitable to measure the models performance (Lobo et al. 2008), could it be that there is a biological reason for the low AUC? E.g. that the used abiotic variables are not as important as for other species or that we are dealing with two separate species? If so, wouldn't it be advisable to discuss this model anyway, despite the low AUC?

Your opinion or reference to existing literature would be highly appreciated.

Best regards, Robert

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