I'm a beginner with Matlab so I'm sorry if this answer may sound silly to most of you who know MATLAB, but I'm stuck and cannot solve this matter. So thanks a lot in advance!

I'm trying to calculate the Approximate Entropy (ApEn) index of various respiratory variables acquired as a time-series with a breath-by-breath resolution. The machine gives me a for each subjects a .xls files with many columns as the different parameters (rows are the values of parameters per each breath). I need to calculate the ApEn for each subject for several of the parameter assessed by the machine.

There are at least a couple .m files available to calculate the ApEn. I'm able to make it work properly but it calculates the ApEn of only the first column (first respiratory variable) of the array.

There is a way to make it iteratively run the apen.m for ALL of the columns, so having n results as the number of the columns/variables in the data array?

Thank you again!

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