I am trying to purify 50 kDa recombinant protein with his6-tag on the c-terminal by using Ni-NTA chromatography. I am using 1 mL HisTrap columns, and I loaded my sample (E. coli lysate containing the overexpressed protein) at 1 mL/min to the column. I washed then with 25 mM NaPhosphate + 0.5M NaCl, followed by wash with 30 mM imidazole. I then eluted with 500 mM imidazole, and saw lots of protein in the chromatogram at 280 nm. However, after gel run I see lots of impurites on the gel (image attached) in all collected of fractions, and the NanoDrop I use for protein concentration measuremnets also says there is a DNA impurity present. What can be the cause of this, and what can I try to get better purity? I would need need at least 85-90% purity..

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