09 September 2017 8 7K Report

Hello everyone,

I am facing a really interesting issue. I am not strong at SPSS so do not judge me too harsh please. I am working on ientifying predictive validity of a psychometric assessment. Two of them.

I have the following type of data:

1. Job performance evaluation - 5point Likert scale

2. Psychometric assessment presented with zscores.

3. Another psychometric assessment results are presented in also Likert scale from 3 to 12. Why 3 to 12. because each scale consisted of subscales (7 scales each 3 subscales, each of subscales to be evaluated based on 1-4 Likert Scale).

So now I need to compare 1 to 2 and 1 to 3. then compare the results to each other to see which test had higher predictive validity.

Do I need to transform data? because I think that I cannot run SPSS with two different types of data such as zscores and Likert scale data.

What would you recommend?





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