Of course you can detect people with lidar. Julian Frey, cars with lidar can detect humans around and stop the car before you run over them. I can't think on anything more ethical.
Detecting the uniform they wear is more a topic for image cameras.
No matter if its possible or not, you shouldn't research this! Such techniques will be used to do compleatly unethical things and there is no civil use of it.
Why LiDAR???? You can with the aid of optical data such as World View Images or areal photo ..in this case you can count indirectly via human shadow or Skulls ...or you can use UAV technology much better and cost and time effective than LiDAR or even areal photo or WV images
Of course you can detect people with lidar. Julian Frey, cars with lidar can detect humans around and stop the car before you run over them. I can't think on anything more ethical.
Detecting the uniform they wear is more a topic for image cameras.
In adition to Antonio Ruiz answer, you can also use thermal or infrared (at some bands) to identify humans body in an image.
However the more precise technique in position is LIDAR and the details you get depends on the PPI (point per inch) or the instrument's resolution.
In example; if you want to identify every single human body in a crowd you need to get at least 1 LIDAR return every inch in order to get the details of every human body contour. This is posible almost with every LIDAR avaible in the market, just have to play with the fly height (aerial case) or the distance to the objective (in terrestrial case) with drone or whatever is use as suport.
That's why in present are LIDAR instrument combined with optical sensors, I.E. Terrestrial Scanner.