We are a Brazilian group of research in infection control and prevention in children and newborns and it'll be great to start partnerships with colleagues around the world and share expetise. If you have interest , please contact me.
Oi Pri. Na UNb haveria algum grupo na pediatria interessado?
Hi Pri. The main idea is to study healthcare associated infections in children in ICU (PICU and NICU), mainly infections due to MDR bacteria (Gram negative and Gram positive) and interventions to reduce multirresistant bacteria in this setting.
we could eventually be very interested. We have a programme in G Bissau. Please contact me on my skype addressw e could eventually discuss directly to understand what you do and waht we do
Con la experiencia de los años el control de Infecciones depende en que hospital trabajes: si es público es un poco difícil por la falta de recursos e insumos. Si es un hospital privado es mas fácil controlarlas por que tienes recursos económicos e insumos. Pero hacer cosas sencillas como el lavado de manos antes de tocar a cada paciente, usar bata limpia y mascarilla cada persona que ingreseza estas areas, y los respectivos policultivos previo al uso de antibióticos para identificar gérmenes y su sensibilidad además de seguir las normas del control de infecciones del CDC, limitan la aparición de multiresistencia. En conjunto con la aplicación de protocolos de aproach para las distintas insuficiencias.. Espero ayude esto en vuestra investigación producto de 30 años de experiencia. Al momento no estoy trabajando en Hospital alguno para ser parte del estudio. Y así estuviera no se podría hacerlo si no es con permiso del Gobierno, si es que ellos lo aprueban. Disculpen la respuesta en español, pero es para responderles mas pronto.
Thank you for your contact. It'll be nice to start a partnership with your team. I'm a leader of a Laboratory Teaching of Prevention and Control of HAI. Our focus are HAI in children and newborns from ICU. Now we are trying to develop specific interventions to reduce HAI (all types) in critical ill children. If you have a team in Guine Bissau it 'll be interesting to compare populations with different resources about this topic.
We also work thinking in which strategies are effective to prevent HAI in others health centers like ambulatory, home care and others.
My skype name is: andrericardoaraujo1. Please feel free to contact me as soon as possible to share your experience and start a partnership.
Thank you for your contact. It'll be nice to start a partnership with your team. I'm a leader of a Laboratory Teaching of Prevention and Control of HAI. Our focus are HAI in children and newborns from ICU. Now we are trying to develop specific interventions to reduce HAI (all types) in critical ill children. If you have a team in your country or have interest in participate, please contact me
My skype name is: andrericardoaraujo1. Please feel free to contact me as soon as possible to share your experience and start a partnership.
Dear Vidya. HAI are present all seetings of healthcare including outpatients. I'd like to hear your experience in this field. Maybe we can a project in partnership. Mt email is [email protected]. best regards
Hi Sareena. Thank you for your interest. We can talk a little more by email. please send me your email or send me a reply for [email protected]. Best regards
If your research includes the use of nasal xylitol, as suggested by me and Da Silva's group in Sao Paulo, then yes. And we do have some funding to help. But I am retired and not in a position to otherwise collaborate.
I am neonatologist in Belgium and leading a new project called eNewborn.
This webbased platform is designed for international network benchmarking.
The surveillance of nosocomial infections according the NeoKiss program is integrated on line. Please visit the demo (only with standard items) https://www.enewborn.org
Hi Dominique. It will be a pleasure to participate of this initiative. We have a similar surveillance about use of atb also in nicu and picu of several countries. How can i talk you to know more details? If you prefer a virtual meeting by skype my name is : andrericardoaraujo1. Best regards. André
Check with Silvio da Silva in Sao Paulo and read his and Aline Ferreira's article on the subject (PMID 25483720).
Xylitol most likely interferes with bacterial adherence by competitive inhibition at the lectin binding site. If the bacteria cannot hang on they cannot cause infection. My own experience with its nasal use was published in the Clinical Practice of Alternative Medicine in 2001, but is relatively unknown because the journal was not indexed. You can find it at academy.com or at commonsensemedicine.org. When used regularly it reduced recurrent otitis by 96%. Essentially it optimizes our mucociliary cleaning process and adds a bit because it is somewhat hyperosmolar and so triggers some histamine release to further cleanse the nose.
Xylitol is not a drug and is safe used nasally; see Joe Zabner and xylitol at medline.