EOR is actually reservoir engineering biased but as a petroleum reservoir development geologist you could think of changes in Sor in core flooding experiments with visualization techniques such as micro-CT or micromodels.
I will advise however you read published papers to fill in a scientific gap
The criticality issue pertaining to EOR is the ability to understand the flow behaviour at all scales. The dynamic of the reservoir is scale dependent. It is very essential to enumerate it at different scale. The approach is to create Multiscale Geological models encompassing the reservoir heterogeneity and inherent uncertainty in data due to tool resolution. This model needs again a multiscale dynamic simulation. Any EOR technique needs to be established first at the laboratory followed by a field trial before field implementation.
Facies models inverted from seismic and well logs to address reservoir heterogeneity for carbonate-rich rocks favorable for CO2-EOR or rich-gas EOR. The same topic may be interested in unconventional plays. Here you can use modern machine learning techniques (for facies classification problem). See also: https://dspace.library.colostate.edu/bitstream/handle/11124/172225/ELKhoury_mines_0052E_11462.pdf
For low salinity waterflooding, cased well neutron pulse logging may be interesting in assessing ROZ and flow patterns.
I recommend starting literature review from Ph.D. dissertations and MS theses.