Isn't it better for those who care about animal rights and kindness to care about human rights and kindness, or is this a lie added to the lie of democracy and transparency, and in reality it is imperialism?
Human rights are a tool used by Western countries, especially the United States of America, to implement their goals in developing countries.
Watch what the (Israeli) entity is doing in terms of crimes and genocide against the Palestinians, and human rights violations. What was the response of the European countries and the United States of America??? Silence and silence.
That is, Western countries divide citizens into first, second, third degrees, and so on.
Answering this question would require lengthy pages.
Dear Rasha, You are right in principle. However, the disappearance of many living creatures of nature, as well as plants, results in unsustainability of people's environment and the very "health" of nature. Having at home of a dog or a cat results well for lonely people or children too. But one can remember the facts of care about animals among fascists in Germany during the second world war, and - at the same time - the settings of concentration camps for jews and conquered people in Europe. Putin in Russia, as I know, loves horses, nevertheless he wants all Ukrainians to be killed and Ukrainian Nation to disappear..... It could be interesting to know the opinions from other readers on this question.
I think, sustainability is not only the matter of essence "content", but also the matter of the "method" or "methods" - for the tasks of survival and preservation not only from cognitive, gnoseological side, but also - axiological (values) side - directed towards concrete actions (practise). Simply speaking - if You follow it, act according it.
Mary C R Wilson Thank you very much, our wonderful doctor and human being in every sense of the word, for your wonderful expression and distinguished interventions. You truly deserve the title of doctor and scientific researcher to serve society and humanity and achieve the goals of sustainable development in justice and equality worldwide.
My husband rehabilitates bats. And those who can't be rehabilitated help him with his teaching to the general public. We are licensed to keep them for more than 6 months.
They all have a very comfortable life with us; and so they should!
This is a picture of a lovely long-eared bat who spent her life (until she passed away) with us. But in the wild, she would not have survived.