Year 580 Numidian historian Procope, in Byzancio, observed so dense clouds coming from the East and wondered if it's an unpredicted eclipse. It's the implosion of Rabaul volcano, in Papuasia, that left a 40km-caldera (Nasa photo). I think this enormous mass of micro particules provoqued a terrible climate change, that dried up Felix Arabia and the Sahara savan. And it lasted for centuries. A proof of it is the culture of the pastel plant (isiatis tinctorial). It comes from the middle mountains steppes of Central Asia. Chinese used it to fight heat shock, as a medicinal plant. Arabs managed to distillate it and found that blue colorant that resist sun. That's how Omeyades bring the plant in the Sahara desert and show Tuaregs how to do clothes that cure them from the sun. But soon, Sahara was drying up so they had to grow pastel north, by Mediterraneo Sea and soon, they had to cross the sea, to grow it in Grenade but the plant wasn't doing well, so they went up to Occitania to grew pastel. It worked for some centuries until again the plants were dying. The war against Cathars was launched because French suspected they had colorant treasures and reserves but didn't want to sell them. Because blue was a big business, in brown, earthian middle ages. And even for black, you needed to taint it blue before to resist the sun. After three centuries of killing and stealing, French decided to plant it in Northern France (Baie de Somme), and it worked well. But, at least, by 15th c.AC, climate went softer and they could again grow pastel in Occitania. 200 years later, Hollandeses would win over everybody, bringing back Javanese indigo and planting it in Africa.