I found a lot of research on the relationship of attitudes to behavior. Which is mainly based on the theory of planned behavior. What I am looking for is research that investigates the influence of behavior on attitudes.
I am not a specialist on travel behavior, but the influence of behaviors (in general) on attitudes is sometimes acknowledged. Ajzen (2011) talks about the influence of past behavior and habit on future behaviors. Also, you may find it useful to read papers about spillover such as Truelove et al.'s (2014) review.
I do know exactly what you mean by "travel behavior", but if it includes (eco)tourism you can find a lot of papers about how nature experiences can influence attitudes and behaviors.
Please, let me know if I can help you with something.
Ajzen, I. (2011). The theory of planned behaviour: Reactions and reflections. Psychology & Health, 26(9), 1113–1127. doi:10.1080/08870446.2011.613995
Truelove, H. B., Carrico, A. R., Weber, E. U., Raimi, K. T., & Vandenbergh, M. P. (2014). Positive and negative spillover of pro-environmental behavior: An integrative review and theoretical framework. Global Environmental Change, 29, 127-138.
thank you for your answer. I will take a look at your literature recommendation. My main research interest consists in the question whether existing attitudes towards means of transport change due to behavior (e.g., use of a car).
It is interesting to look at the behaviour-attitudes link rather than the usual attitudes-behaviour link.
Some scholars referred to the feedback loop from behaviour back to attitudes, SN and PBC.
(e.g., Fishbein, M., & Ajzen, I. (2010). Predicting and changing behavior: The reasoned action approach. New York: Psychology Press (Taylor & Francis).
Also, in the information systems literature, some scholars referred to the role of first-hand experience in updating prior cognitions.
(e.g., Bhattacherjee, A., & Premkumar, G. (2004). Understanding changes in belief and attitude toward information technology usage: A theoretical model and longitudinal test. MIS quarterly, 229-254)
However, I think it is still underinvestigated to what extent behaviour influences back attitudes 'overtime' taking in consideration that a) behaviours may become habitual over time with limited cognitive thinking, and b) cognitions become more consistent with repeated behaviours. Which may indicate that behaviour influence attitudes up to a certain point.... I hope my speculations are helpful.