Duncan Black's Electoral System is a single winner electoral system where each voter lists all the candidates in order of preference. Then if there is a Condorcet winner (a candidate that wins all pair wise comparison), that is selected. If not the Borda winner is selected.
Instead a Condorcet system is a system such that if there is a Condorcet winner, such is selected, but if there is no Condorcet winner, then there is a loop and one of the candidates of the loop is selected.
On the Black wikipedia page it says that the Black Electoral system is a"Condorcet system", but I cannot seem to find formal proof that in the absence of a Condorcet Winner, the Borda winner would be one of the winners of the winning cycle. It could elect someone else all together. And if this was the case then it would NOT be a Condorcet system.
This would be solved if the definition of Black Electoral System was to apply Borda only among the candidates in the winning cycle, but I find no reference of that.
Any suggestions?