Aneurysm formation is a known issue with these grafts, but - according to literatur - in only up to 7%. We have observed a lot more at our institution.
Would prefer not to use for dialysis access. Had a poor experience back in time with polyesterurethane type grafts.
Biologic grafts in my opinion do not perform as well as ePTFE wrt longevity and are perhaps best reserved for patients in whom risk of infection is prohibitive with ePTFE.
Suggest you and your colleagues publish your findings
we have quite a lot of experience in using omniflow as a regular graft in cases of prior graft infection. In this circumstances we did not see any aueurysmatic degegenartion, except one case with an anastomotic problem maybe due to not relay stich the mesh but anly the collagen. From my point of view it is very important to keep the mesh intact.Maybe when omniflow is used as an av access you destroy the mesh. Anyway we use in in a few replacement scenarios in case of infection as av access and had no problem. follow up might be 2 or 3 years.