The Internalized Homophobia is to sometimes referred to as Internalized Homonegativity. I know the IH scale by Ross and Rosser (1996)* and refer you to read the research, entitled "Internalized Homonegativity: A Systematic Mapping Review of Empirical Research", of Rigmor C. Berg et al.**
I hope have contributed to their research,
Francisco Figueiredo
PhD Student
ABC School Medicine
*Ross, M. W., & Rosser, B. R. S. (1996). Measurement and correlates of internalized
homophobia: A factor analytic study. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 52, 15–21.
**Rigmor C. Berg, Heather M. Munthe-Kaas & Michael W. Ross (2015):
Internalized Homonegativity: A Systematic Mapping Review of Empirical Research, Journal of Homosexuality, DOI: 10.1080/00918369.2015.1083788
Hello, today I have found an interesting article about internalized heterosexism and psychological distress. Authors described and used two psychological tools to measure internalized homonegativity:
"The latent variable of IH wasmeasured by two scales. The Internalized Homophobia Scale (IHS;Wright, Dye, Jiles, & Marcello, 1999) consisted of nine itemsmeasured on a 5-point scale (1strongly agree,5stronglydisagree). [...] In addition, the internalized homonegativity subscale of theLesbian, Gay, Bisexual Identity Scale was used to measure IH(LGBIS-IH; Mohr & Kendra, 2011). This subscale included threeitems measured on a 6-point scale (1disagree strongly, 6agree strongly) [...]"
Hello, I recommend the article: Lingiardi, V., Baiocco, R., & Nardelli, N. (2012). Measure of Internalized Sexual Stigma for Lesbians and Gay Men: A New Scale. Journal of Homosexuality, 59(8), 1191–1210.