Whole exome/genome sequencing is a fast moving field at the moment so you're going to have get your hands dirty and learn to use tools like samtools mpileup and GATK
There is the GEMINI project, which helps a bit, but still not what I'd call 'user friendly'.
Anything that does call itself user friendly for WES/WGS is probably going to do a bad job as it won't deal properly with all the important descisions that need to be made when processing the data.
Unfortunately the only acceptable programs are not free, and for sure not user-friendly.
The problem with free software is that requires the use of several to perform the whole process, which makes it more complicated.
I recommend you read this paper: PMID: 23341494 Pabinger S, et al. A survey of tools for variant analysis of next-generation genome sequencing data. Brief Bioinform. 2013
LifeScope™ Genomic Analysis Software (for SOLiD sequencing data), and http://hugeseq.hugolam.com/ (Illumina). These are rather "one-click" pipelines, and need properly installed programs as well as batch system.
We also used a guide http://seqanswers.com/wiki/How-to/exome_analysis for creating our own analysis script.
If you can get the data into .vcf format, Omicia (http://www.omicia.com) offers a very robust, user-friendly tool to analyze the data. Basic features are free, more advanced feature analysis costs ~$99 per genome.