I am looking for an updated global Bouguer anomaly contour map with a suitable scale to study a country gravity field. Please provide any link that I could download this map from.
What I am looking for is a global Bouguer anomaly contour map , it is similar to that of magnetic elements of NOAA published maps , with a convenient scale to work on. Would you please explain with more details , what do you mean by calculating the distribution of Dark Matter ? ?
I think the global Bouguer anomaly can be attained by satellite measurements. The land gravimetry is limited and includ a small region . You can use of some websites such as ICGEM website or http://topex.ucsd.edu/cgi-bin/get_data.cgi .
Also cartographic center in some countries have the land gravity data of across the country, such as National Cartographic Center of Iran (NCC).