Based on life experience I would say that those businesses, organizations, and groups that have very well defined core values which make sense and which one can proudly embrace as one's own tend to have more engaged and purposeful workers. The only caveat I would make about this is that the body in question has to have a healthy, respectful, and safe work environment for this to be the case.
Here is a good journal article regarding this issue: "A work values approach to corporate culture: A field test of the value congruence process and its relationship to individual outcomes." Meglino, Bruce M.; Ravlin, Elizabeth C.; Adkins, Cheryl L.
Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 74(3), Jun 1989, 424-432
Huhtala, M., Feldt, T., Lämsä, A.M., Mauno, S., & Kinnunen, U. (2011). Does the ethical culture of organisations promote managers’ occupational well-being? Investigating indirect links via ethical strain. Journal of Business Ethics, Vol 101(2), Jun, 2011. pp. 231-247.
Baharom, T.H.Z., & Bankwala, Y.J. (2002). Integrating corporate values: the Malaysian Airlines experience. Journal of Human Values 8: 119-144.