The supression of the crossover formation in the heterochromatin is one of the major bottleneck in combining favourable traits
Enhancing the crossover frequency in both euchromatin and heterochromatin should help breeders acquire desirable traits or remove undesirable traits along chromosomes in crop plant genomes, as both the resolution of genetic mapping and the recombination of desirable trait variations are dependent on meiotic crossover rates and locations (Bevan et al., 2017 )
Hello, I think till now no clear way for making Heterochromatin transcriptionally active. Unlike in Drosophila, human constitutive HC does not contain any genes and incorporating tritiated uridine into a cell culture does not result in any labelling at its level .
The facultative HC is relatively poor in genes, and its genes are not usually transcribed in a heterochromatic context. Heterochromatin is not repetitive and shares the compact structure of constitutive heterochromatin. Importantly, under specific developmental or environmental conditions, facultative heterochromatin can lose its condensed structure and become transcriptionally active. A famous process involving facultative heterochromatin is X-inactivation, through which one of the copies of the X chromosome present in female mammals is transcriptionally silenced, creating a Barr body.
Mutations or treatments that disrupt formation of heterochromatin might do it – mutate or decrease function (siRNA) of DNMT1, HP1, HMTs. Mutants in Drosophila show crossovers in the centric heterochromatin.