I am doing a slope modelling which interacts with water velocity of a river. I don't know any software by which I can simulate this type of slope with dynamic action. If anyone knows, please inform me.
I am assuming you are performing a 2D analysis. In that case the hypothetical river might be assumed to be flowing perpendicular to the cross-section to be analysed. Using basic concepts of hydraulics/field water gauging you can estimate the water velocity and with this the water head (which should be lower than the static assumption). Once you have it, you can draw the water head at each depth (most Softwares allow you to do so) it will certainly not be a straight line. I am anticipating, under normal circumstances not a huge difference when compared with the static assumption maybe a 5% difference. Anyways the upstadet result will be a safer one. Keep us updated with the results. In a 3D case it may be done as well but will certainly take more effort. Good luck
I think that the speed of the water in the river has little effect on stability. The speed of the water in the river determines the rate of lateral beach erosion, and this in turn determines the stability of the slope. Therefore, the problem can be solved in two stages: 1. To determine the rate of lateral beach erosion depending on the velocity of the water in the river; 2. To calculate slope stability depending on the magnitude of lateral erosion on the calculated period . The second stage, in principle, can be made in any program for calculations of stability of slopes.