Congratulations Fatima Kies, I do not know how you came up with the idea of such a relationship, but I and my colleagues congratulate you on the interesting way of thinking!
Attraction has existed for an infinite long time! Changes in the world have also existed for an infinite long time! We are so accustomed to the two things that nobody may have been looking for a connection between them. The question is, if there is such a link to establishing it? If we can influence one of the two and observe changes in the other - there is a connection. But both are an integral part of our existence.
The task thus set seems too complicated. To achieve the optimal solution, tasks of this type are solved step by step. "We can start building a new approach, based on the Attraction Law between Human-Human ".
And as you can see, perhaps the first step is the most important.
Yes, you're right, I put all possibilities to extend the participation of the different specialist and sharing the experience for each Topic, trying to understand the interconnection between phenomenon-sciences