I would like to plot some oceanographic data, like sections across Atlanctic ocean (7°N section) and some property-property diagrams like the TS (density) plot. Any Comments?
For the TS diagrams, you can find the package "oce" and the function "plotTS()". For the section plots, I have no idea and I am very interested if someone has this information.
if you have eg WOA gridded data in an ncdf format, it is easy to import the data with library ndcf and then use image or contour/filled.contour to make the section plot. Here is an example using some data from WOA01 to make a Winter temperature section off the Iberian margin. (The figure could be make much prettier - haven't finished it yet)
##Import World Ocean Atlas temperature data by depth
High Richard, thanks for the code. I haven't run it, but seing it, I was wandering if with this countour plot you can import the bottom database, to see (as in ODV) the countour plot associated with the bathimetry of the section?....Any idea?
Bathymetry data are available as in ncdf from https://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/online_delivery/gebco/
It should be easy to import the data, extract a given latitude or longitude and add the bathymetry to a section. Gets more complicated if you don't want a N-S or E-W plot though - as does plotting the section.
Hi there, I'm also found the "marelac" package (http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/marelac/index.html). It is similar to oce and the image() function let to you plot sections quite similar to ODV. I attach the Vignette from the above link.
The oce package does a lot, including sections; see its vignette for a five-minute overview. I wrote the package and am in the late stages of writing a text on oceanographic analysis in R, as part of the useR, series by Springer Verlag.
Thanks for your answer and I'm really interested into this text (I think many people as well) of oceanographic analysis. I'll check the vignette to fin it!
Many thanks for your answer and reference. I have used this package and is very useful, you can calculate many diiferent parameters from the bathymetric (Distances considering topography and others).