I am trying to implement one vs rest multiclass classification using LIBSVM.
The function is as below:
function [pred, ac, decv] = ovrpredict(y, x, model)
labelSet = model.labelSet;
labelSetSize = length(labelSet);
models = model.models;
decv= zeros(size(y, 1), labelSetSize);
for i=1:labelSetSize
[l,a,d] = svmpredict(double(y == labelSet(i)), x, models{i});
decv(:, i) = d * (2 * models{i}.Label(1) - 1); % ERROR IN THIS LINE
[tmp,pred] = max(decv, [], 2);
pred = labelSet(pred);
ac = sum(y==pred) / size(x, 1);
The error message I get is Attempt to reference field of non-structure array.
Reference to non-existent field 'Label'.
Any suggestions will be really helpful.