Apart from statutory moisturizers and palliative care leading to corticosteroidal suppresion or calcineurin- or Janus kinase targeted immunosupression, is there any hope on other kinase targets eg. TrkA in paper 25594427 attached, relevant to keratinocytes  or skin constituents with possibly less adverse effects? The catch usually is the chronic application setting and a reversible -take it, it stops- stop taking it, it comes back with a vengeance- feature, that would best be minimized.

Is there any value in personalised prick/allegy screen test of an exhaustive antigen repertoire including clothing fibers, food constituents, urban pollutants, less established or suspected allergens?

Taking another twist, eg. paper 26385242 attached, have any "Genetic variants and epigenetic alteration as tools for the molecular taxonomy of AD provided the background for personalized management" ?



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