As the title says, do you use or know such kind of code? It will be better that if it can also determine the well depth or radius which fits a given binding energy?
Let us first agree that you ask about numerical solutions and not analytical solutions.
Second, let us agree also that you do not need solutions for single-particle motion in a Coulomb interaction, which is very trivial.
So, if you need solutions to single-particle problems, with any other interaction, the deuteron problem is very useful. For this problem I can send you my own code, by using central, tensor, spin-orbit and quadratic spin-orbit interactions with harmonic oscillator wave function.
Furthermore, if you need solutions to many-body nuclear problems, which require knowledge of the so-called fractional parentage coefficients, I need from you more clarifications about the problem in order to help you.
Also, if you need solutions to atomic-structure problems, I can send you the code of variational Monte Carlo method.
What I am considering is the bound states or continuum states of a nucleus composed of 2 clusters (a core and a valenve such as 1-neutron halo or 2-neutron halo). I think it is a two-body problem like deuteron, but I am not sure if this is a single-particle problem.
The interaction between the 2 clusters is usually described by the potential with Woods-Saxon form. For a given energy level, I want to give the proper parameters (V, r, a) for the potential, which could produce the correct eigenvalue (relative energy, or binding energy).
On the other hand, when the binding potential between the 2 clusters is given, how are the wave function and the eigenvalue solved out?
The OXBASH code applies the concepts of the nuclear shell model to the structure of nuclei. So, it is not useful for the cluster-cluster problem of Dr. Liyuan.
Furthermore, the OXBASH code follows a hybrid algorithm between the m-scheme and the jj-scheme; it first builds the basis states in the m-scheme and then computes the Hamiltonian matrix in a jj-coupled scheme. Of course, one has to pay the price for this apparent ease of computation, i.e. the difficulty in the transition from the m-scheme to the jj-coupled scheme.
Prof Fabre, Prof. Laouet and Prof. Doma have all shared important information on your query in the right spirit of research community. However before going to do the research on the topic, a proper understanding of the problem and the numerical procedure of solving two-body problem is the most important. And a good start in this direction could be with H-atom assuming long range Coulomb type potential, the second step could be the two-nucleon bound state problem like the deuteron problem assuming shortrange Yukawa, Gaussian, Wood-Saxon, phenomenological or GPT potetials, offcourse one may first try with attarctive square-well potential, third step could be with three-body problem consisting an inert core plus two valence nucleons or hyperon(s). The three-body problem involves three two-body interactions the matrix elements for which could be computed using numerical integration with applying appropriate procedures. Knowledge of FORTRAN language programming can be of great help for writing codes for parts of program in addition to standard program available if any. A birds eye view to the following articles could be useful: Eur. Phys. J. D. Vol. 66, No. 3, 83(2012); J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. Vol. 24, 1519(1998); Int. J. Mod. Phys. E, vol. 10, No. 2, 107(2001).