You have posed an interesting question which seeks to explore the synergies between the two concepts of Total Quality Management (TQM) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)?. There are numerous studies that have provided empirical evidence of the relationship between TQM and CSR. The starting point for this would having an understanding of what are the building blocks (namely the ‘what’ of theory building) between the various dimensions such ‘shared philosophies’, concepts, principles, tools, practices, constructs of both TQM and CSR and then matching the similarities between them. You might wish to refer to one of my earlier articles (copy attached which is also available on ResearchGate) which simplifies the interpretation of TQM based on the key seminal studies, and also provides some examples of various components, principles of TQM.
Chileshe, N. (2007) Quality management concepts, principles, tools and philosophies: A valid methodology for deployment within UK constructional related SMEs, Journal of Engineering Design and Technology (JEDT), 5(1), 49-67. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, DOI: 10.1108/17260530746605
Having done that, I would recommend looking up the following articles which explicitly provides the theoretical, empirical connections between TQM and CSR. I would initially start with Ghobadian et al. (2007) as it does provide similarities and some basis from the philosophical view points. See citation below:
Ghobadian, A., Gallear, D. and Hopkins, M. (2007) "TQM and CSR nexus", International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Vol. 24, Iss: 7, pp.704 – 721.
The second study worth reading is by Robson and Mitchell (2007) and illustrates how one concept (TQM) can act as an enabler of the other (CSR), and in so doing provides some empirical demonstration of the existing relationships. See citation below:
Robson, A. And Mitchell, E. (2007) "CSR performance: driven by TQM implementation, size, sector?", International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Vol. 24 Iss: 7, pp.722 – 737.
As stated in my paper of 2007, (see Figure 3, pg. 57) it is also worth examining the tools as applied in each of the two concepts, and some examples of these tools from a TQM perspective are provided. You could then look up the following study by Castka and Balzarova (2007) which further demonstrates the linkages between TQM and CSR using the basis of the ‘tools’
Castka and Balzarova (2007) "A critical look on quality through CSR lenses: Key challenges stemming from the development of ISO 26000", International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Vol. 24 Iss: 7, pp.738 - 752
In summation, the answer to your question is ‘Yes’, there exists some association between TQM and CSR and I have just selected a few studies to highlight that and what’s already published. For example, one of the building blocks or thus labelled as ‘constructs / concepts / principles’ of TQM is ‘Continuous Improvement’ (see Figure 3, pg. 57 of my attached paper) and the recent study by Hollingworth and Valentine (2014) provides further support of the above suggested approach of identifying the similarities among the concepts of TQM and CSR. This study uses the continuous process improvement (which are also enshrined in TQM) activities and CSR in demonstrating this relationship. The full citation is as follows:
Hollingworth, D. and Valentine, S. (2014) "Corporate social responsibility, continuous process improvement orientation, organizational commitment and turnover intentions", International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Vol. 31 Iss: 6, pp.629 - 651.
I would like to compare the answers and opposite opinions of N. Chileshe and Yvon Pesqueux and to add a personal consideration due to a personal significant Company life experience: the engine of a Company , in my view, is comparable to the Mission and, the Steering wheel, might be considered the Vision, but you cannot drive safely if you neglect to consider the rest of the body of your Company vector.
The TQM, to me, might be referred to the way the various parts of the business are conducted as a Global Process Development, while the CSR relates to the way your Company behaves inside and outside the business structure. Apparently the two factors are independent but if you forget to give identity to the Company action, you lose strength in your organisation.
I do not enter here and now in definitions of positive or negative behavior and social approach, but "if", in a Company , the People say : we, our, Company, usually things work, while if the usual approach to refer to the Management action is : they,them and so on, it is difficult for the observed Company to achieve competitive results. These are facts easily proved by a large, available,amount of literature examples, describing Corporate success or failure hystories : Corporate thinking is not an ideology and therefore I would like to suggest that the empirical evidence mentioned by N. Chileshe should be taken in proper account and the explored relation linking TQM and CSR should be considered and studied as "a fact", difficult to be measured in univocal way .Therefore, the eventual relation should not be investigated and described by utilizing only a simple correlation constant or coefficient but by introducing, necessarily, a complex function made of many intangible variables, together with some tangible ones.
Not only for People, also for Corporations, the life key is often in Intangibles!
In principle, TQM is related to CSR but vice versa is not true. If u see 14 principles of TQM, you will find that CSR can be done very efficiently and efficiently in TQM way. Pillars of TQM guides and promotes CSR destiny. TQM acts as a catalyst for CSR journey.
Concepts of TQM and CSR are also related according to theory of stakeholders and interested parties of organization. If we look at interest parties and stakeholders of an organization, customers can be identified as major stakeholder in TQM, while the customer is only one of the stakeholders in CSR.
I think there is a clear relationship. If you consider the EFQM (which is the european excellence model) or the Malcolm Baldridge, all of them consider to mesure (and improve) the results on the society. So, I would consider then this relationship. You can find more information in or
yes, of course, there is a relationship between total quality management and Corporate Social Responsibility according to study (Hazlett et al., 2007). please read this study in this link. regards