For example, I need to make CV in several rate and charge and discharge in several current. Can I to make all the CV measurements and after that I make the charge and discharge measurements?What's the correct sequence I need to make it?
When l was a teen listen to radio program Knowledge Power hosted by Ernie Baron DZMM am bond under ABS CBN station, Philippines. Egyptology found similar to Arch of the Convenant biblical old testament. Said that, the design is a capacitor able to charge static electricity like lighting. Considering sequences measurements could guidelines came from Law's of attraction positive or negatively change current. Egyptology discover Arch of the covenant position to earth's geomagnetism and geoelctricity series connection. Implies, factor in considering sequences measurements (1) interference with environmental noise signal? (2) purpose of design at charge Law's of attraction? Direction of carrent and voltage? (3) circuit board designed such as parallel, series, are both? Had impact on desired and needs of application research?