History, we know, tends to be written by the winners (at least on the military and economic battlefields). And there is no reason to believe that it would be any different in the research sector where the stakes over scientific priority can be high.

And so it happens that the History of Science narrative– largely fashioned by westerners- occasionally 'forgot' some major figures from the East along the way. For instance:

- the Indian mathematician Baudhayana Sutra whose theorem on right angle triangles was rediscovered 100 years later by the Greek Pythagoras ... to whom it is still attributed;

- the Bengali Jagadish Bose, the first to receive and emit radio waves ... some years prior to Marconi, and who anticipated the existence of semi-conductors by 60 years.

The geography of our ResearchGate family- about equally divided between east and west- offers a nice opportunity to seek broad views as to whether this is a rare occurence or rather the reflection of a deeper problem

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