01 January 1970 5 8K Report

I am not very familiar with Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff limit, but I have used the simple extended energy-moment relation I developed and simple Coulomb electric force to compute that neutron stars should have a maximum radius of 33 km and 44 solar mass given the normal neutron density (non-compressed). Greater than these values, the neutron star cannot get bigger and will eject mass away.

Based on my calculation, when the neutron star density goes higher (compressing the neutrons so that Coulomb electric force is more repellent), the maximum neutron mass limits actually decreases. That is Mneutron star ~ 1/ρ(3/2) where ρ is the mass density of neutrons.

The actual mass limit is not interesting, but the relation is quite interesting because it means that black holes cannot be infinitely small in space because if its size is small, then density is high, then the black holes will eject mass, putting a limit on black holes' sizes.

My question is, do anyone have theories other than Pauli exclusion principle to deal with mass limits? And do black holes have size limits?

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