I am conducting a qualitative case study. The methods of data collections are interviews and direct observations. Yin (2009, p. 109) stated that direct observations could be conducted throughout a field visit, including which other evidence, such as that from interviews, is being collected. This was the case of my study. I did not find any suggestion by Yin (or other prominent case study scholars) about the recommended time for such types of direct observations. This is unlike ethnographic research, which has some recommendations.
In my case, I had an observation protocol that was priorly designed based on the theoretical proposition and the research question of the study. I kept my eyes open to collect other relevant observational evidence while I was at the premises of the participants of the study. The length of the observation was based on the time that I needed to collect evidence related to the pre-designed notes and headings in the observation protocol.
Any comments about the best practices or recommendations for this?