It is widely accepted that bacterial spores germinate when the germinant(s) bind to receptors and activate the hydrolysis of the spore coat that leads to germination. There are only an average of nine binding sites per spore distributed among the population according to the Weibull function. The number of receptor sites is clearly discrete since there can be no fractions of a receptor and you can divide the spore population into subpopulations each of which has the same exact number of receptors.

The Weibull function is, however described (in Wikipedia) as a continuous function.

The average number of receptors is fractional and the average number of receptors within a sub-population that have a germinant molecule bound to them is also fractional so both these are continuous variables.

I've developed a mathematical model based on this conceptual model that describes the kinetics of germination. In developing the model I used differential equations which are later integrated.

When I was taught statistics it seemed that distributions were either discrete (eg Poisson) or continuous (eg normal) but never both. Is this still true or is it now regarded as hopelessly old fashioned and pedantic?

The development of the kinetic model starts by considering a generalised sub-population of spores and then using the distribution function to expand it to the whole population. So I start with the Weibull function as a discrete distribution and it metamorphoses into a continuous distribution in the final equations.

Is this acceptable or, if not, what is?

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