The current technological revolution known as Industry 4.0 is motivated by the development of the following factors:
- Big Data database technologies,
- cloud computing,
- machine learning,
- Internet of Things,
- artificial intelligence.
On the basis of the development of the new technological solutions mentioned in recent years, the processes of innovatively organized analyzes of large collections of information collected in Big Data database systems dynamically develop.
What other technological improvements, innovative organizational, technical and IT solutions will be developed in the future based on the development of the above-mentioned factors?
What kinds of innovations will be able to be created in the coming years, in the future based on the integration of the above-mentioned main determinants of the development of the current technological revolution known as Industry 4.0?
What kind of new categories of added value may be created in the future if the above-mentioned technological solutions are more involved in the creation of biotechnological, ecological, product and other innovations.
Will new technologies be created in this way, with the help of which it will be possible to generate solutions to the problems of excessive exploitation of Earth resources in the process of civilization development?
Perhaps new innovative technologies for renewable energy sources and the creation of biodegradable substitutes for many non-degradable materials, e.g. plastics, besides the development of biotechnology and energy innovations, etc. will allow major global problems to be solved.
The development of human civilization in the next few decades should give answers to the above questions.
In view of the above, I am asking you with the following question: Has the technological revolution known as Industry 4.0 already achieved its aopgeum of development or is it just the beginning of this revolution?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.